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Market Insights - BC Waterfront Real Estate

There are a lot of "how-to" articles online that regurgitate the same advice about real estate related topics such as getting a good mortgage or prepping your home for the market. While those things are obviously very important, we want to write articles that are enlightening and valuable for visitors to our site. Rather than write about the same-old, same-old, we endeavour to create interesting and compelling articles specifically for people interested in (BC) waterfront real estate.

Thanks for reading.
Sharleen Kneeland
Publisher, Waterfront West

Where Will You Go With Simply Beachfront? Launch Announcement

After hours, days and actually, years of work, I am happy to say that Simply Beachfront is finally live!

You see, while running Waterfront West for the last few years, it has come to my attention that a website for waterfront accommodations might be a nice idea.

So I have been secretly working on this project for a very long time and it is now finally ready for liftoff! As a valued blog subscriber, you get to be one of the first people to view what I hope will become a large and active site with waterfront accommodations worldwide (yes, lofty goals, I know), but for now, our first region is British Columbia, Canada.




As you will see, we have integrated the site with Expedia and have Expedia partner properties available for booking online; however, you will also find independent waterfront accommodations (vacation rentals, B&Bs and resorts) that are listed separately from the Expedia properties. 


Search by Activity: 

  • Spa. 
  • Surfing. 
  • Glamping.
  • Beachfront Weddings.
  • Fishing (coming soon!)

 Find British Columbia:

  • Beachfront vacation cottages (owner direct).
  • Bed & Breakfasts.
  • Resorts with vacation rental villas & suites.
  • Waterfront lodges, hotels & more.



You will be one of our very first visitors, so please feel free to sign-up for our Beach Club, which gives you FREE access to special rates and perks at various waterfront accommodation providers throughout British Columbia. We currently have member perks in the Okanagan, on the Sunshine Coast, Galiano Island and on the West Coast of Vancouver Island (Tofino, Ucluelet). These perks are provided by our independent accommodation providers (not listed through Expedia).


Example of One of Our Current Offers

When you sign-up you will be able to edit your Offer Alerts by region or activity so that you only get the deals you want. If you are not interested in British Columbia, you can also just choose to put your subscription on ice and we will only send out updates when we open up new provinces, states and/or countries.

Once your FREE membership is set up , you can login anytime and get the coupon codes for the perks you see on the site. Then, simply contact the property direct or via our booking request form in the following 24 hours to make your reservation and get your offer.


If you like the new site, we would appreciate any social shares using the tabs on the left of the home page. We would also appreciate any feedback you have.

P.S. If you know anyone who runs a waterfront hotel, vacation rental, B&B or other type of accommodation in British Columbia, we have a special very limited offer for the next 24 founding member accommodation providers who list on the site: $99+GST for one year.


5050 Hits

2010 - An Exciting Year Ahead for Waterfront West

I'm back on the blog after an extended break (from blogging, not work!) and looking forward to an exciting year for 2010. My husband and I have been busily renovating our newly acquired character home and I have been working on our new site, featuring BC  luxury real estate, which will be launched early this Spring!

Below are some of the highlights to come for Waterfront West in 2010:

We will be upgrading and redesigning Waterfront West to make the user experience more seamless and bring new technology to the site including new search capabilities, a video community and an "Ask an Expert" section.

We will be launching our new site which will be one of the first BC luxury real estate sites to feature a social networking community (like Facebook), a video component featuring in-house videos about sought-after B.C. communities and huge picture viewer for seeing luxury property photos.

We are continuing to send out our "Hot Properties" newsletter featuring properties of exceptional value in the BC waterfront market and we will also be featuring a "Property of the Month" in this blog.

So, to summarize, as you can see, this year holds a lot of promise and many changes will be happening in the months ahead. Stay tuned to www.waterfrontwest.com to see the evolution.

6677 Hits

Asbestos Class Action Suit to Help Canadians


Recently, my husband and I found out that we have asbestos vermiculite insulation in our attic. Asbestos fibres can be dangerous when enhaled as they can cause a type of lung cancer called Mesothelioma. Appartently, the asbestos is safe so long as it is left untouched and undisturbed; (which at this point it is) however, this is putting a huge wrench in our plans as we hoped to add a 3rd floor to our house this spring. In order to get the asbestos out safely, we have to hire an asbestos abatement firm to come with their big suits and all. Of course, this comes with a hefty price tag. We have been quoted anywhere from $15,000-$18,000 to have this done. Plus we have to move out of our house for a week. After spending all this money, you don't end up with a deluxe new bathroom with soaker tub and walk-in shower, you end up with a big fat zero!

You can imagine how happy I was when I heard that the class action lawsuit in the US against Zonolite (the company that sold the vermiculite) had been extended to Canadians! Now, I thought perhaps we might get these costs covered. What a happy day! I started to look into how to get our claim filed and after several phone calls, was given the information that the maximum refund to be given was $600 (US, I believe)-a far cry from the $17, 000 we have been quoted to remove the vermiculite.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I am hoping that I heard this amount incorrectly and that miraculously the entire sum of the removal cost will be covered (haha). In the meantime, it's back to the drawing board for our house plans. If you suspect you have asbestos insulation in your home, you can get further information about the Canadian lawsuit here: http://www.graceclaims.com/
Update: We had the asbestos removed for $10 , 000! 2013 and still no info or money from Grace Claims!
15180 Hits

"Hot Properties" Newsletter to Highlight Properties of Exceptional Value

Hot Properties Newsletter

With the current economic turmoil, we realize many of you want to get the most value for your money. Sometimes, when searching real estate web sites, it is difficult to find the properties that may be undervalued or provide an especially good opportunity to get into the market. That is why we have decided to create our "Hot Properties" newsletter to single out some of these properties on our site.

Beginning in January 2009, Waterfront West will be sending out a new newsletter. This newsletter will feature our "Hot Properties" which will be hand selected from our site as representing exceptional value in the market. If you are already on this email list, you will receive the letter early in the New Year. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please enter your email in the boxes below. 


5639 Hits

B.C's Luxury Neighbourhoods

You may have noticed that we have added some new regional content to our site. Beginning with Vancouver and Victoria, we have picked some of the most prestigious waterfront neighbourhoods in B.C. and focused on some of the amenities that draw the luxury home buyer to them.

In Victoria, we have added information about the established luxury neighbourhood of Oak Bay (including the Uplands). Characterized by grand Art & Crafts and Tudor Mansions and with a distinctly English flavour, many of the homes in Oak Bay are over the $1, 000, 000 price mark. With miles of curving craggy shoreline, proximity to some of the best private schools in the city and all of the conveniences of city living in "The Village," Oak Bay has long been one of the most prestigious areas of the city to inhabit.

Located close to Oak Bay and near the University of Victoria, East Saanich offers luxury living with a mix traditional and modern architecture. The areas of Cordova Bay, 10 Mile point and Queenswood Avenue house many of Victoria's premier waterfront homes.

For the buyer who prefers a more rural lifestyle, the areas of North and/or Central Saanich may be a preferred option. Located on the Saanich Peninsula, luxury properties in these areas are characterized by rolling farmlands and large acreages. Homes in these areas cover a range of styles including traditional estates, west coast timber frame and luxury modern homes. North Saanich includes the quaint seaside town of Sidney, while Central Saanich includes the town of Brentwood Bay and the famous Butchart Gardens.

As for Vancouver luxury waterfront real estate, one must study the definition of the different “Wests” in the city in order to properly understand luxury lingo when speaking with the locals. Of course, Vancouver luxury real estate information wouldn't be complete without including West Vancouver , one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in Canada. West Vancouver is located on the "North Shore" across the Lion's Gate Bridge and northwest of the downtown core. Meanwhile, the area of "West Point Grey " on the "West Side" is an entirely different area of town near UBC and southwest of the downtown core. There is also the "West End" which is located right in the downtown core, adjacent to Coal Harbour, one of our other luxury neighbourhoods. Finally, some other luxury locales in Vancouver real estate include Kitsilano and the University Endowment Lands, both on the "West Side." After living in Vancouver for over four years, my husband still couldn't get these areas separated in his mind, but a real Vancouverite will be able to explain it in more depth if the above is too confusing (!)
In the coming weeks, we'll be adding more information about other luxury neighbourhoods in BC so don't despair if you don't see your neighbourhood here.
11424 Hits

Market Insights - Waterfront Real Estate

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